May 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes

vThe Cypress Condominium At The Lake Of The Ozarks Association

Minutes of the Annual Meeting.

May 28,2022

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.  Roll call was taken and there was a quorum present. The agenda was distributed and is attached for review. The meeting was chaired by President K. Schmode.

Welcome and introductions were made.

A motion was made by K. Schmode to approve the past meeting minutes(2021).  M. Zust did motion to approve, and it was seconded by B. Kardell.

Developer (Jack Davis) update and remarks include the following points:

-All units at The Cypress have been sold except for 10B.

-The developer punch list has been completed.

- The winter freeze issue in the garage was addressed. Jack did provide a presentation on addressing this issue. This is expected to be completed over the next month. This was reviewed in advance by the Cypress Board members and a third party for review.

-The developer did state currently that he is uncertain about the property outside of the Cypress gate. It was stated that he believes it to be appropriate to hand over all rights to the pool and grounds and not retain them for a future development on the other ground.

Community Manager Report (S. Graves)

-Editions for the season were reviewed.

- A reminder of how the website can be used for helpful sources. It was noted that the directory has been updated and that slips are listed so you can easily identify the slip if you notice and issue. This was at the request of residents. The emergency protocol can also be found, and a signup sheet was available to anyone wanting to order fire extinguishers for their unit.

Financial Review ( B. Keith, Treasurer)

A review of the budget and reserve accounts were given. The reserve study was reviewed.

*The Board did recommend a 5% increase to assessments for 3 years. At that time a new reserve study would be completed in 3-5 years depending on the board’s view of the need at the time. This income would go directly to the reserve accounts. 

This was approved unanimously by vote and will take place on the July 2022 assessment. 

A vote was also taken on the remaining Board members continuing and staggered terms be corrected. 

This was approved unanimously by vote.

The floor was open for brief discussion.

-Dog waste was addressed. This has been a concern for many. The Board ask that everyone please pick up your waste. 

- A reminder was made to all to please pick up after your visit of the common area.

The meeting was adjourned, and a reminder was announced that the Board does meet monthly, and all residents are welcome.

Next Board Meeting is June 24th at 1:30-Cypress lobby.


June 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


April 2022 Board Meeting Minutes