This is where all of the important stuff lives for you, the owner.

Cypress Emergency Protocol


Process for a Resale of your Cypress unit or Slip exchange.

Please remember that you do need to contact management when you have a resale of your unit or a slip exchange. This is important for documentation reasons.

The Cypress Board does charge for the processing of the paperwork.

Charges that apply

Resale of a Unit= $250 for a resale certificate. Please have your title company contact management.

Change of slip owner if not applied with a unit=$500. This does require documentation with Camden County. A phasing document will be completed by Management and filed. It is also important to file your bill of sale with management.

Checks should be made payable to Cypress at the Lake Condo Association. Feel free to call Management at 573-569-5971 if you have any questions.

Does Cypress offer any services for residents?

Jan - Jan cleans for your Cypress common area and she does offer cleaning for resident’s units on her own time. Feel free to call her directly for any pricing info.


Preferred Vendors

Central MO Plumbing 573-964-5331

Comfort Zone/HVAC 573-374-0080

Bennett Electric/Docks 573-374-5792

Catalyst Electric/Unit 573-552-8488

AB Pest 573-964-1100