March 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

The Cypress HOA Board of Directors Meeting March 16, 2022.

President K. Schmode called the meeting to order at 1:30March 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Members B. Keith (Treasurer) and D. Theobald (Secretary) were in attendance along with

S. Graves (Community Manager).

Treasurer B. Keith made a motion to approve the agenda and the meeting minutes from February 17,2022. Secretary D. Theobald seconded that motion.

Presentation of Reports

Treasurer Report was presented by B. Keith

  • It was reported that the quarterly reserve deposits have been made.

  • The treasurer’s proposal for presentation of HOA dues and Reserve Study was reviewed. 

Management Report

  • Sprinkler System was reviewed

  • Committees were reviewed by K. Schmode. Please note the attached letter regarding committee changes. 

A roll call vote was taken regarding committee change.

K. Schmode- yea    B. Keith- yea     D. Theobald-yea

Committee leads will be as follows

Pool- Kent Lyman

Dock- Steve Schroeder

Social- Betty Bollmeier

Finance- Dennis Weisenborn

  • It was noted by management that the P1 header repair should take place by mid-April weather pending. Also, the delivery date for the functional trainer is set for the end of March.

  • The report that was received from Jonkman Construction regarding the winter freeze issue was reviewed by the Board. The Board will continue this discussion.

  • Questions asked by Management at the request of residents

1. The Boards reasons for keeping your thermostat on 55 during the winter months?

     The Cypress Board along with insurance company do request this for winter months 

     due to possible freezing.  As noted on the last procedure for property insurance and 

     claims that was emailed out to residents it does state Negligent conduct includes, but

     is not limited to, failure to maintain a temperature of at least 62 degrees when the       

     outside temperature is below freezing. Failure to do so would be considered prudent   

     behavior. This can be found on pg 2 Item V. Discretion Regarding Claims. 

2. What are the restrictions on using the common area for gatherings?

     The following will apply. Block out dates

     Memorial Day Weekend, The week of July 4th, Labor Day Weekend. Also, all Saturdays         

     May- Sept.

     The resident shall be required to clean up the area in use after the event.

     The area will remain open to residents. 

     Management is to be notified in advance of the date and number of guests

Treasurer B. Keith adjourned  the meeting at 2:45.

The next HOA Board Meeting is set for April 21st at 1:30.

Respectfully Submitted by

S. Graves

After considerable discussion and evaluation of our current Committee structure at The Cypress your HOA Board is proposing some changes.  Why make a change?

  • Our current committee structure does not provide a direct process  for time sensitive decisions to be made.

  •  While some committees have had meetings it has been difficult to do so with owners dispersed in different locations.  Trying to establish a meeting or a call with all committee members can be time consuming and which makes it difficult to get full participation.  

  • Under the current structure there has been confusion on whether to contact the committee’s Board liaison or Community Manager first about a concern or issue.  In some cases, this has created duplicate conversations and confusion on whether or not an issue or suggestion has been fully addressed and communicated back to the Chair or other members of a committee.

For these reasons and more we are proposing the following changes in structure and process going forward.

  • There will continue to be a Lead person (Owner) for the pool, the docks, activities and finance.

  • The Lead person may consult with any other owner prior to making a recommendation for a change, addition or future plan in their given area.  They may also ask  owners to volunteer their time and expertise should something they are working on require it.

  • If there is a major issue requiring more extensive research and input from owners we suggest that a time limited highly focused Task Force be formed prior to a recommendation being made.

  • Under the new structure the designated Lead person will communicate issues and recommendations directly to the Community Manager.  If an important issue needs to be placed before the Board the Community Manager will facilitate an immediate conversation with Board Members or place it on the agenda of the next monthly Board meeting.

  • Owners are always invited to attend a Board Meeting in person should they choose to do so.  

We truly believe these changes will increase the efficiency and responsiveness of the Board and Community Manager.  


April 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


February 2022 Board Meeting Minutes