February 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Feb. 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

The Cypress HOA Board of Directors Meeting February 17, 2022.

President K. Schmode called the meeting to order at 1:30.

Board members B. Keith (Treasurer) and D. Theobald (Secretary) were in attendance along with S. Graves (Community Manger) and Todd Miller (Legal Counsel).

Treasurer B. Keith made a motion to approve the agenda and meeting minutes from January 20,2022.  Secretary D. Theobald seconded that motion.

Presentation of Reports

Treasurer report was presented by B. Keith

  • Delinquent accounts were discussed. After a lengthy discussion it was moved by B. Keith and 2nd by D. Theobald that the Rules and Regulations policy be amended as follows:

Any unit owner who is late with their quarterly assessment two times will be required to place their assessment on ACH transfer. The unit owner will have 7 days to comply. Failure to comply will result in the Owner not being allowed access to Cypress Amenities which includes the Pool, Pool House, and Fitness Center. 

After consult with Legal Counsel Miller the motion PASSED.

Management Report

  • Gate. We are closer to finding remote entry for residents.  We are looking into possible components which will need to be added and it is hoped this will be accomplished prior to the start of the season.  We will continue to research options.

  • The winter freeze was addressed. Ryan Doll from Jonkman Construction in Kansas City- B. Keith’s commercial contractor and an expert witness in commercial buildings- has been on site and is preparing a detailed report for the board to consider remedying the situation. It was his opinion that the short-term fix of wrapping the pipes was appropriate, but his detailed report will likely have some additional items recommended. Additionally, Central MO Plumbing has scoped the “problem line” and found no evidence of any debris in the system causing a backup. They believe all this is strictly related to freezing.

  • We did review the sprinkler system.

  • It was noted that the functional trainer has been ordered. We are just waiting on a delivery date. 

  • Mats for the common areas and cost were discussed. Along with 

options for painting the cement wall behind the cabanas.

  • Due to increased expenses of maintenance and repairs during the winter season the Board approved a credit limit increase for the Community Manger.

This was approved unanimously.

K. Schmode -yea     B. Keith-yea     D. Theobald-yea

- The May election was discussed. B. Keith moved “that the correction be made to return to the terms set forth in the bylaws which call for a staggered board. The current terms all ended at the same time and not during the annual meeting. Legal counsel agreed correcting this error was in the best spirit of the governing docs.” 

D. Theobald seconded the motion. 

All three Board Members have announced their intention to run for reelection at the May meeting. Interest of other Owners who wish to run for the Board will be assessed in the next two months prior to the May Annual Meeting. 

  • The effectiveness and ease of operation within our current committee structure was discussed and will continue to be reviewed prior to the beginning of the season. The Board continues to appreciate the contribution our committees have made at The Cypress.

President Schmode adjourned the meeting at 3:45 pm.

The next HOA Board Meeting is set for March 16th at 1:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

S. Graves


March 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


January 2022 Board Meeting Minutes