January 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

                         The Cypress HOA Board of Directors Meeting

                                          January 20th, 2022

President K. Schmode called to order The Cypress HOA Board Meeting at 1:30.

Board members B. Keith (Treasurer) and D. Theobald (Secretary) were in attendance along with S. Graves (Community manger).

Treasurer B. Keith made a motion to approve the agenda and the last meeting minutes. Secretary D. Theobald did second that motion.

Presentation of Reports

Treasurer report was presented by B. Keith.

-         Delinquent accounts were discussed.

Management Report

-         Water Leak Protocol was presented and approved by the Board.

A roll call vote was taken

K. Schmode-yea     B. Keith-yea     D. Theobald-yea

This will be emailed along with other protocols to all owners.

-         The Developer punch list was reviewed.

-         The Cypress Survey was reviewed, and a letter will be sent out to residents regarding the results. The Board did agree to purchase a Functional Trainer for the gym.

A roll call vote was taken for the purchase.

K. Schmode-yea     B. Keith-yea     D. Theobald-yea

      -    Walkways and new mats were discussed and will continue

           after pricing.

      -    The structure and effectiveness of the committee’s were discussed and    

           will continue.

-         The Poly Lift annual inspection was discussed and will be addressed with the individual slip owners.

-          May election questions will be directed to legal counsel.

The following meetings were set

Feb. 17th 1:30, March 16th 1:30 HOA Board meeting

May 28th 9:00 Cypress Annual Meeting.

President K. Schmode did adjourn the meeting at 3:15 pm.

Respectfully Submitted by

S. Graves


February 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


December 2021 Board Meeting