February Board Meeting Minutes

February 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

The Cypress HOA Board of Directors Meeting for February 8, 2023.

President K. Schmode called the meeting to order at 1:30.

Board members B. Keith and D. Theobald were in attendance along with

S. Graves (Community Manager) and T. Miller (Cypress Legal Counsel).

B. Keith made a motion to approve the agenda and the minutes from January 2023.  D. Theobald seconded the motion.

Presentation of Reports

Treasurer Report was presented by B. Keith

-         6C is delinquent on two quarterly assessments. A discussion was held and reviewed with Cypress Legal Counsel. Upon recommendation of Legal Counsel the Board will move forward with established procedures to collect this delinquent account.

Management Report was presented by S. Graves

-         Fire Suppression Review of wet/dry system presented by Lakeside Fire Protection.

-         Poly lift inspection update. Dock A- Johnson has removed the stop kit at the request of the Cypress Board. Action will be taken as needed moving forward. A cease-and-desist order will be sent by legal counsel to LOTO lift regarding this slip. A review will continue with management and Poly Lift on other slips with possible issues to the community docks that haven’t been addressed.

-         It was noted a larger floater was placed by Horsebound at the entrance to Dock B.  $800.

-         Elevator review was presented by Schindler.

-         Start to season timing and updates were reviewed.

-         Gate update- The fobs are expected to be delivered over the next week. Once management has them all programmed, they will be mailed out to residents along with instructions and timing on when they will be able to be used. An email will go out to residents once they are placed in the mail for confirmation.

 It was noted by management that a check has been received by Farmersville                Crane for the damage previously done to the outbound gate. $4200.

-         Annual Meeting Review. The meeting is set for April 29th, 2023 at 9:00 in the Cypress Lobby.

K. Schmode did adjourn the meeting at 3:30.

The next meeting is set for March 8th at 2:00

                                                 April 12th at 1:30

Annual Meeting is set for April 29th at 9:00 in the Cypress Lobby.

The Board does encourage residents to attend.

Respectfully Submitted,

S. Graves

* It was noted management will be off

 Feb. 25 and March 10,11 also March 24,25. Russ will be covering emergencies during this time


March 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


January Board Meeting Minutes