August 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

August 2022 Board Meeting MinutesAugust 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

The Cypress HOA Board of Directors Meeting for August 26,2022

President k. Schmode called the meeting to order at 9:00.

Board Members B. Keith (Treasurer) and D. Theobald (Secretary) were in attendance along with T. Miller (Legal Counsel) and S. Graves (Community Manager).

Treasurer B. Keith made a motion to approve the agenda and the meeting minutes from July 29th,2022. Secretary D. Theobald seconded the motion.

Presentation of Reports

Treasurer Report was presented by B. Keith

-Budget Review

-COMO contract review – follow up from B. Keith and S. Graves meeting with 

  COMO. A letter will be emailed to all residents and attached with Board 


Management Report

-Majority of the garage insulation has been completed. The contractor still has to come back and complete the above ceiling space.

- Meeting with Schindler and the current elevator issue. They are researching this due to a possible software issue.

-The following was discussed and will be completed by next season.

 1. Rail for the pool. Management has scheld. for April.

 2. Dock ladder/safety rings

 3. The timers for the grill have been ordered.

 4. The new gate entry system has been ordered. Expected delivery 6 months.

 5. Trash bins will be added to P1 and P2 entryways from garage. We will also add      an area on P1 for dock trash only.

 6. The following area’s will be painted.

The outbound gate will get a line painted to indicate the inswing of the gate and where people should stop.

The trash dumpster area will get a red curb painted for emergency vehicle and also to avoid parking that disturbs service.

 7. The Board has asked management to get several bids for a full service landscape contract. This year was not up to the standards of The Cypress due to an emergency departure of our prior gardener Carla.

 Ab Pest unit sprays was reviewed by S Graves/D. Theobald.  The Board will be sending out a letter to residents soon regarding future sprays. It was decided that the association will provide Jan-Dec. spray for common area, docks and all units.

D. Theobald motioned to approve and B. Keith seconded. All Board Members were in agreement.

There was discussion around the issues on the terrace. Per T. Miller’s suggestion, B. Keith will first reach out to our insurance company and find out if this is a claim on our policy. The Board will move promptly forward with this issue once that is determined.

Residents Requested Time with the Board

Steve Schroeder (Dock Lead)

Mr. Schroeder has emailed several concerns to the Board regarding Dock B. Several were noted as safety concerns. The Board has taken this very seriously and chose to have our vendor Horseshoe Bend evaluate all the concerns and determine their expert option as to safety and longevity of the dock. They informed us they feel there are no current safety issues on the dock. The Board will continue to look at issues on all the docks and prioritize them as able. Mr. Schroeder was thanked for his past service as our Board Lead. After discussion it was agreed by all that the Dock Lead position remain vacant until the role and responsibilities of the position are further clarified.

Bobby Cox- Time was reserved but Mr. Cox was not in attendance.

Legal Counsel Report

-T. Miller did review the road easement agreement with the Board. The discussion will be continued.

President K. Schmode did adjourn the meeting at 10:30.

The next 2 HOA Board Meetings will be as follows.

Sept. 28th at 1:30.

Oct. 26th at 1:30

Respectfully submitted, S. Graves



September 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


July 2022 Board Meeting Minutes