April 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

April 2023

The Cypress HOA Board of Directors Meeting for April 12,2023.

President K. Schmode called the meeting to order at 1:30.

Board members B. Keith, D. Theobald were in attendance along with S. Graves

(Community Manager) and T. Miller (Cypress Legal Counsel).

B. Keith made a motion to approve the agenda and the minutes from

 March 8,2023. D. Theobald seconded the motion.

Presentation of Reports

Treasurer Report was presented by B. Keith

    - Review of accounts for the annual meeting.

    -Association taxes have been filed.

Management Report

-         Artisan pool rail will be installed the beginning of May.

-         Review of storm damage to Dock A and D. Repair has been completed= $2800

-         It was noted firepit cushion replacement has been ordered.

-         Gate installation has been completed. Discussion on fobs and options for transmitters were discussed.

Fobs- 2 will be provided by the HOA. They will be limited per bedroom.

$50 per additional fob. 4 bdrm= Option to purchase 2. 3 bdrm= 1.

The HOA will provide one transmitter. Option to purchase= $50.

-         O’Connor insurance presentation. Karen Corrigan joined via zoom for the presentation.

-         Annual meeting review.

K. Schmode did adjourn the meeting at 2:45.

Annual Meeting April 29th at 9:00.

Respectfully submitted,

S. Graves



2023 Annual Owners Meeting Minutes


March 2023 Board Meeting Minutes