Tips for a Safe and Fun Fourth of July

With the Fourth of July rolling around, members of our Association are gearing up for the outdoor fun with their families. But remember that-even on Independence Day- you have to follow the rules and regulations set fourth by your HOA! We want to ensure a safe, fun, and fine- free Independence Day celebration for all.

  1. Be courteous of your neighbors who may not be celebrating. If you’ll be having guest over or making noise past normal hours, give them notice ahead of time.

  2. Speaking of guest, make sure that anyone you have over for the holidays is aware of the community rules, like any guest parking restrictions, so that they don’t earn you a violation letter in return for your hospitality.

  3. Be aware of kids around the grill during your Fourth of July Cookout. FEMA recommends a 3 foot barrier around lit grills for children and pets. While a family barbeque is always fun, getting a burn isn’t!

  4. Follow your HOA reservation policy. This will include the grills, green eggs, and the gym. Wouldn’t you hate to plan on cooking out just to find out that the space had already been reserved.

  5. Practice safe swimming at the pool. Remind your family and guest to review the entrance sign to the pool area where the rules are listed.

  6. It’s also good practice not to monopolize the community pool, especially on a BIG holiday like the Fourth when many people are bound to be enjoying fun in the sun.

  7. Make plans to keep your pets safe inside. Many animals get startled easily from fireworks and may be more likely to run away form you, so use caution when opening doors and walking pets. Remind everyone visiting with a dog of our pet policy.

    • NO pets in the pool area

    • Strict leash law

    • Always pick up your pet waste

      ***Above all else, keep in mind that your HOA’s rules weren’t written to stop your fun on the Fourth or on any other holiday! HOA rules and regulations exist to keep residents safe and to keep your community in tip top shape. I hope you have a great Fourth of July with your friends and family! I will ask you to please remember to take a moment and reflect on the significance of this holiday.

      As usual I hope to see you all at Cypress soon,

      Cypress Community Manager


April 2023