November 2021 Board Update

Dear Cypress Homeowners,


Your board members, Keith, Doug and Bill. Want to ensure that there is a high level of transparency from the board to the homeowners. As such we wanted to give a brief update on some of the important items that have been handled recently, and those which we are working for new solutions on.


  • We recently took over the building from the developers. They have begun making HOA payments for the units that they still own, just as we all do. Your board is now fully in control of the building and where we go from here. There is a list of punch list items which we are working to have corrected. Several will not be addressed until construction is completed on the penthouses, which we hope to be in the next couple months.

  • We are working to establish a budget for 2022 which included having a reserve study completed on the building. This is helping us to determine the appropriate operating and reserves budget to be presented to you all in May at the annual meeting.

  • We are working with the developers to develop a road maintenance agreement for the shared entrance road (Captiva Dr).

  • We have been working with Stacy and Schindler to fix the elevator issues once and for all.

  • We are working for a better solution for the front gate, to keep security, but also ease of entrance for guests and vendors.

  • We are working with Betty to bring a great bit of fun and entertainment to our Cypress events, including the band Christana.


It’s vital to the success of The Board and ultimately The Cypress that we have good lines of communication. As such we will be conducting a survey to get a pulse of what the homeowners view as our major issues, and how to continue to move the community forward. Additionally, below you’ll find the email addresses of all three board members. Please continue to go to Stacy for day-to-day issues, but if there is something you feel the board needs to address or be aware of, don’t hesitate to reach out to any or all of us.


Looking forward to warmer days by the pool.


With Gratitude,


Your Board

Keith Schmode

Bill Keith  

Doug Theobald


November 2021 Board Meeting


October 2021 Board Meeting