Minutes of The Cypress at the Lake HOA Special Meeting

Saturday October 3rd, 2020

Developer Jack Davis convened a Special Meeting of The Cypress at the Lake HOA at 9:00 A.M. on Saturday October 3rd in The Cypress Lobby.  A quorum of 30 owners were present for the meeting.

Developer update and remarks included the following points:

  • All units at The Cypress have been sold with the exception of 1C (currently used as a construction office) and the two penthouses which will both go on the market Spring of 2021.

  • Significant construction progress has been made on all units sold. It is anticipated that construction in the building will be near completion in the first quarter of 2021.

  • Boat slips and PWC slips are all sold.

  • There have been significant issues with the elevators not operating and requiring numerous resets, particularly on the lobby side of the building. Schindler (our elevator vendor) will be installing a new control board in the next two weeks. It is anticipated that with the completion of construction and new parts installed our elevator issues will be significantly reduced.

  • Jack D. assured the HOA that there will be a smooth transition of accounting, finance and management of operations from the Developers to the HOA. Most of these functions/responsibilities will be transferred on January 1st, 2021. The Developers (Declarants) will transfer management of The Cypress to the HOA upon all units being sold and closed.

  • Jack D. and Dan Stegmann (Developers) thanked owners for their continued support in making The Cypress a successful development.

  • Dan S. encouraged owners to continue to build on the positive culture that currently exists at The Cypress. He reminded all in attendance that from time to time in any community there will be disagreements or concerns around a variety of issues. At times disagreements can also occur between owners. He encouraged everyone to resolve those issues quickly with open communication understanding and compromise.

Election of a third Director to The Cypress HOA Board:

  • Bill Keith (2A) and Phyllis Zust (9B) were presented as two qualified candidates to fill the third position on the HOA Board. Each candidate had an opportunity to address owners regarding their experience and desire to make a positive impact as an HOA Board member.

  • Phyllis Zust was elected to the HOA Board for a 3 year term.

Property Management (Steve Bell HOA Board Member)

  • Steve B. stressed that the HOA Board is encouraging owner involvement. One example of this are three committees which have recently been established. Those committees are: 1. Activities/Communications 2. Pool and 3. Dock.

  • The Board has interviewed an accounting firm and is researching local banks in preparation for the Developer to HOA transition January 1, 2021.

     The Board has also been working with Stacy Graves as well as other staff to                  

      ensure a successful transition of all Management functions to the HOA.  It     

was reported that the transition is going very well  

  • The Board’s current focus is on the establishment of a complete and realistic budget for 2021. The 2020 budget prepared by the Developers is being utilized as a reference point for the 2021 budget. The HOA Board will have a proposed budget ready for review by November 1st. Once the budget is finalized it will be posted on the new owner website. The Board is committed to complete transparency and welcomes owner questions and or concerns regarding the2021 budget.

  • During questions and answers it was suggested that once the 2021 budget has been completed the Board should begin looking at budget projections for a three year period. Jack D. answered a question about reserves indicating that the Developers have consistently been collecting and depositing reserves in a separate account. The reserves have grown and the HOA will do a complete review of the reserve accounts prior to the transition. The reserves will be reported as part of the 2021 budget.

  • Steve B concluded by reminding owners how important it is for them to review the documents by which The Cypress is governed. These documents include the Declaration, By-laws and Rules and Regulations, all of which are posted on the new owner’s website.

Owner Engagement (Keith Schmode HOA Board Member) 

  • Keith S. reported that the HOA Board recognized early on that with the size and scope of The Cypress owner engagement and involvement would be essential. The Board has established three Standing Committees. Those Standing Committees are:

  • Dock Committee-Chair Jim Posadny (2E)

Dock A Captain-Jim Posadny (2E)

Dock B Captain-Josh Kaburik (1E)

Dock C Captain-Jeff Reene (5F)

Dock D Captain-Bill Keith (2A)

  • Pool Committee-Chair Kent Lyman (4C)

Cindy Hall(7G)

Tod Schutte (4F)

  • Activities Committee-Betty Bollmeier (7E)

Kim Kortje (2B)

Kathleen Davis (7B)

Ben Vens (1F)

Mary Lou Schmode (5G)

  • The purpose of these committees is to assist Board members by addressing specific community issues and concerns and to serve in an advisory role for the benefit of the community. They gather information, assess problems and recommend solutions to the Board.

  • Dock Chair Jim Posadny reported that there have been concerns about the wave breakers moving, particularly around Dock D. We will continue to work with our dock maintenance company (Horseshoe Bend) on this issue. We will also work with Ameren on the possibility of moving our wave breakers further out in the main channel. Aerators will be placed around docks where necessary when the Lake begins to freeze. Water to the docks will be shut off on October 26th.

  • Pool Chair Kent Lyman reported that heat to the pool will be shut off on October 5th and the pool will close on November 1st. The pool will open again the week prior to Memorial Day 2021. Kent will meet with our pool maintenance contractor (ASP) to familiarize himself with their company and use of the Pentair control system. He also stated that there are a number of issues/improvements regarding the pool and pool house that his committee will discuss prior to next season.

  • Betty Bollmeier reported that her committee has arranged for the Taco Food Truck to be on site 4th of July 2021. A musical group “Sax on the Beach” has also been booked. There are also tentative plans for an Ice Cream Truck to be on site as well as balloons and other activities for the children around the pool. The committee has arranged for our own Lee Allen (4E) and his blues group to provide entertainment from 3 P.M. to 6 P.M. at the pool after this special meeting. Catered food is being provided.

Your HOA Employee Team (Stacy Graves, Manager)

Stacy G. welcomed new owners and introduced Russell Gafkin, our new Facilities Manager and Jan Meckley our Director of Housekeeping.  She stated that both of these employees are performing their respective duties very well.    Stacy G. discussed the following issues/concerns from a review of the season:

  • The front gates are there to increase security and contribute to making The Cypress a safer place to live. We have had people from the outside climbing over the gates which tilts the electronic eye causing the gates to stay open. If you have a vendor coming to do work on your unit and you are not here please notify Stacy in advance. The code to the front gate is not to be given out to anyone with the exception of family members.

  • Damage is always a concern. Stacy G. showed pictures of damage that has occurred this season in the building, garage and pool house. It has been observed that much of this damage was caused/created by people who do not live at The Cypress (guests). She asked that owners educate their guests and remember that your property doesn’t end at your unit door but extends to the building and property. Expenses for damage repair should not get billed to your HOA but to the unit doing the damage

  • It was suggested that more security cameras might deter or identify individuals who are causing damage. Stacy G. indicated that there are already numerous cameras on the property that work very well. The problem is not knowing who the guests are and which unit they are staying in. It is also complicated by some of the damage occurring late at night and at other odd hours.

  • Stacy G. would like owners and their families to know that she considers The Cypress her second home. She will always strive to be responsive and accomplish all that is asked of her. Stacy G. asked owners to keep in mind that as Manager there are some core responsibilities/duties that sometimes need to be completed before a request can be answered.

Increasing communication with Owners (Keith Schmode)  

  • Keith S. stated that communication with Owners will be key to establishing and maintaining a positive culture at The Cypress. The HOA Board engaged Ben Vens (1F) to design an Owner’s website where announcements and important information can be posted. Ben introduced the new Owner’s website and demonstrated some of its functionality. This website is a work in progress but will consistently have important information posted to it. One example of a recent posting is “Important Information and Helpful Tips from Management and your HOA”. Owners are encouraged to visit the new website at: thecypressloz.com. PASSWORD: Thecypress (case sensitive).

Comments and questions:

  • Bobby Cox (6C) had a number of questions regarding the developer transition of The Cypress building and docks over to the HOA. His questions centered on making sure we have complete information and project plans to accurately determine what the developers will be responsible for and what the HOA will be responsible for after and during the transition. Bobby C. agreed to put those questions and suggestions in writing so the HOA and Developers can respond.


  • The Special Meeting of The Cypress at the Lake HOA was adjourned at 10:40 A.M.

Respectfully submitted

H. Keith Schmode

Board Member


An update from your Cypress HOA Board