May 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of

The Cypress HOA Board of Directors Meeting

May 7, 2021

10:00 A.M.

Attending:  Stephen Bell (President), Phyllis Zust (Treasurer), Keith Schmode (Secretary), Stacy Graves (Community Manager) and Todd Miller (HOA Legal Counsel)

Call Meeting to Order:  President Stephen Bell called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. on May 7th, 2021

Approval of March 8th , 2021 Minutes HOA Board of Directors Meeting:

The minutes of the March 8th, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting were approved as submitted by Board Secretary H. Keith Schmode

Management Report:  Stacy Graves, Manager

Stacy Graves reported to the Board that her focus and activities for the busy season at The Cypress will include the following:

  • Work together with the Board to resolve issues as they arise and promote The Cypress Brand

  • Establish and drive interactive strategies to Increase community engagement through education, outreach and support

  • Empower committee members and provide them with helpful information and feedback.  Continue to identify other talented community members for committee service

  • Oversee the daily administration of The Cypress

  • Maintain relationships with vendors as well as monitor their work

  • Review maintenance contracts and advise the Board on rebidding contracts

  • Monitor, review and evaluate the work of two staff members and maintain open and positive communication with them. 

  • Monitor the grounds, address problem areas and discuss them with the Board as needed

  • Work with the Board on all aspects of the budget and provide input as needed and requested

Stacy G. provided the Board with the Emergency Operating Procedures Manuel for Cypress at the Lake.  The content covers Fire, Medical, Elevators, Civil Disturbances, Trespassing, Tornados and Severe Storms, Earthquakes as well as Equipment and Safety Systems. 

 Stacy G. also provided the Board with a template for the development of our HOA Violation Fine Procedures.  The purpose of the procedures is to establish a step by step process to support the enforcement of the communities governing documents. The optimal outcome is to resolve all violation issues in the least number of steps.  The Board will utilize this  template as a guide for future discussions on violations and subsequent fines. 

Maintenance procedures have been established for the elevators and a new contract has been signed with Schindler.  The new contract requires Schindler to provide routine maintenance 4 times per year, a full load test every five years, and the annual inspection required by the state.  They will also do a  complete check-up on our system prior to Memorial Day.  During that inspection the elevators will be down.  Both mother boards in the elevators have been replaced.  The new contract also contains a cancellation clause should the Board find Schindler’s services unsatisfactory.

A  punch list notice for the building has been submitted to Peninsula Construction.  The list includes replacing the elevator flooring, the pictorial wraps on the doors, fixing the electrical outlet by the elevator on 4th floor, removal of construction material from P1, repairing chipped or missing tile on the walkways and cleaning stairwells that are frequently used by subcontractors.

Starting May 22nd trash will be picked up on Monday, Thursday and Saturday.  The Board will continue to monitor the need for trash pickup as the season progresses.

There will be donuts in the lobby on Holidays only.

There was considerable discussion about the  Community Managers days off and hours worked.  It was the conclusion of the Board that Stacy G. should continue to monitor the needs of owners during the busy season and make a recommendation to the Board.  The idea of a summer intern to help cover the weekends was discussed but was tabled until Stacy G. does more research now that the busy season is here.  

The Board decided that a survey of owner satisfaction regarding a variety of topics be developed and distributed at the beginning of the busy lake  season and at the end of the season in the fall.  Secretary Schmode will develop the survey and present it to the Board for their approval.  The survey will be placed under the door of the owner’s unit.  A drop box for completed surveys will be placed in the lobby.  The survey is confidential and does not require anyone to sign it once completed unless they choose to do so. 

Old Business:

  • The Board has not received an easement agreement from the Developers for Captiva Drive.  Todd Miller, the Boards legal counsel, has been asked to contact the Developers attorney, Todd Billy,  to either procure an easement agreement or begin the process of creating one.  

  • President Bell will develop a letter of communication to the Developers outlining the Board’s outstanding issues that need to be addressed before the transition from them to the HOA can be finalized. Todd Miller will assist  in the development of the list of issues.

  • There are three bids outstanding for the insurance on the building and the docks.  Those bids will be received in the first part of June .  The renewal date for our current coverage is July 1st.  In subsequent years the Board will distribute a Request for Proposal along with a complete fact sheet to potential bidders.  The Finance Committee will be asked to review the bids and make a recommendation to the Board.  

  • Stacy G. will contact the boat lift company of the resident of Majestic with the stop lift kit on Dock A to ascertain if its removal has been scheduled.

  • Ameren has scheduled a meeting to consider our request of four buoys to be placed one hundred feet from the end of our docks.  We expect an answer from them very soon  (UPDATE-The Cypress has been approved for three buoys to be placed 100 feet from the end of docks B, C and D,  Horseshoe Bend has been contracted to install the new buoys)

  • A claim has been submitted to our insurance company for the replacement of the mother board on one of our elevators.  Stacy G. is monitoring our claim and believes we will be hearing something soon from the insurance company. 

New Business:

  • Treasurer Zust reported that she has spent considerable time working with the Developers accountant, Central Bank and our accounting firm to complete the transition of finances over to the HOA.  HOA accounts for operations and reserves have been established and funded at Central Bank.  Treasurer Zust presented the Board with a budget versus actual statement for the 1st quarter as well as a balance sheet comparison.  These reports as well as others will be shared in more complete detail once quarterly assessment issues on unfinished units is resolved.  Those assessments provide a significant positive impact to the HOA’s current budget.

  • Treasurer Zust asked the Finance committee to review health insurance proposals for the HOA’s three employees.  After review they recommended a health insurance plan with Anthem who was our current carrier.  The new plan has a higher deductible but also gives our employees the opportunity to participate in a Health Savings Account (HSA).  HSA Central, a subsidiary of Central Bank, will administer the plan.   Adam Kusterman of Ark Benefits will be the agent of record for the health insurance plan.  Adam has met with the HOA employees and has explained  all of the benefits and advantages of the new plan .  He will be available to answer all of their future questions.  Adam is a unit owner here at The Cypress.

  • The Reserve Study is in progress but not completed yet.  It was recommended that the study for a building like the Cypress have a scope of looking out over a 50 year period.

  •  In Executive Session the Board had discussion regarding communication protocol with committees, the Community Manager and the Board.  Secretary Schmode will work with Board members and the Community Manager to develop clear communication lines that contribute to clarity and enhance the opportunity for everyone to be successful in their respective roles as staff and volunteers. 

  • The Dock Committee recommended that slip owners on Dock D be allowed to place their dock boxes on the other side of the dock walkway in front of their boat should they choose to do so.  Motion MADE and Motion CARRIED

  • The Dock Committee also recommended that the slip owner of L8, at their own expense,  be allowed to have Bennet Electric move the electrical outlet on L7 to the opposite side of that slip.  This is being done to avoid congestion and placement of two blower motors on the same finger.  Motion was MADE Motion CARRIED.

  • The issue of using meters to charge slip owners for electrical usage on the docks was researched by the Dock Committee.  Based on that research and input from Todd Bennet of Bennet Electric it was recommend that there be no separate charges for electrical usage on the docks.   After discussion the Board accepted this recommendation.

  • The Dock Committee will propose some By-Law changes governing the  docks at a future meeting

  • The Pool Committee made the following recommendations for 2021:

  1. De-winterize the pool the third Monday of April

  2. Open Pool to residents the first Saturday of May

  3. Turn the pool heater on the fourth Wednesday of May

  4. Set the temperature at 83 degrees

  5. Turn the pool heater off the first Monday of October

  6. Close the pool to residents the first Monday of November

  7. Winterize the pool the third Monday of November

  • All recommendations were accepted and approved except number 7.  It was felt that winterization because of the time that process takes would need to begin on the first Monday of November at the same time the pool is closed to residents

  • The Activities Committee proposed and currently has plans for four events.  The first event will be on Friday May 28th with a Happy Hour Meet and Greet.  Hordoeuvres will be provided.  Bring your own drink of choice.  All future events are posted to website where they are all posted.


President Bell adjourned the meeting at 1:30 P.M.

Next Meeting

Tuesday June 1st, 2021 at 10:00 A.M.


June Board Meeting


April 2021- HOA Spring Meeting Minutes