August 2021Board Meeting


The Cypress HOA Board of Directors Meeting

August 11th, 2021

10:00 A.M -12:00 P.M.


 Stephen Bell (President), Keith Schmode (Secretary), Stacy Graves (Community Manager), Todd Miller (Legal Counsel)

Call Meeting to Order

President Bell called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M.

Approval of the July 19th, 2021 Minutes of the HOA Board of Directors Meeting

The July 19th, 2021 Minutes were approved as submitted by Secretary Schmode.  

Financial Report

Evers Accounting will provide the following services to The Cypress HOA:

  1. Account reconciliations

  2. Payroll and payroll tax returns

  3. Assistance with QuickBooks as needed

Budget to actuals were reviewed on QuickBooks.  Once a Treasurer has been appointed the Board will  determine which financial reports they will review at every meeting.

Community Managers Report:  Stacy Graves 

Elevator parts will be received and repairs  will be completed August 25th.   Stacy G. has negotiated a reduced rate on our maintenance agreement with Schindler.

Stacy G is  working with our gate installation company to increase the code capacity for those wanting to use clickers or program codes into their automobiles.  The gate is currently at full capacity.  Other gate applications will also be explored. Management asks for owner patience while research and information gathering moves forward.  

The elevator door (poolside) picture wrap of The Cypress is damaged and will need to be replaced.  Elevator floors will also need to be replaced due to  wear and tear of normal use and construction.  A punch list of repairs has been prepared for the Developers to complete prior to their departure.

Cypress has received excessive water bills totaling $8,400.  After considerable research it was determined that Majestic’s irrigation system has a water leak and should be shut off. Once shut off our water bill was reduced to $1,700.  The Public Water Board, PWSD#4 has given The Cypress some relief on the excessive water bill but the issue of who should pay the full bill still remains.  It was determined that there should be ongoing discussion with Majestic regarding this bill.  It was also determined that a submeter should be installed to insure The Cypress will not get billed for Majestic’s water use.  The water issue is complicated by how the previous Developer set up the water system and main lines to feed Majestic, The Cypress and future planned developments.  There will be ongoing discussion on this issue with Majestic’s HOA President.

The Community Manager should be made aware of major water leaks or other issues that potentially create damage in other units.  The Board will explore changes to the By-laws requiring owners and/or vendors  to initiate contact when  potentially catastrophic events occur.

Committee Reports: 

 It was noted that Committees are functioning smoothly and that the Board fully appreciates and thanks the Chairs and committee members for their service on behalf of all owners.


Old Business:

  • Easement Agreement Captiva Drive

As of this meeting no Easement Agreement had been received by the Board (Update: The Developers have submitted an Easement Agreement on Captiva Drive for Board review) 

  • Update on the August 5th meeting with Jim and Christi Johnson regarding the removal of the stop lift kit on Dock A.

Stephen Bell, Keith Schmode and Community Manager Stacy Graves met with both Jim and Christi Johnson , residents of Majestic, regarding their stop lift kit on dock A.  It was made clear that the Board expects them to remove the stop lift and provide a schematic/solution to the Board within one week that complies with our rules and regulations for hoists on our docks.  The rule specifically states that all hoists shall be free floating. Once we receive their schematic the Board will submit it to our dock service provider, Horseshoe Bend,  for their review.

  • Status of contributions from the Developers to the HOA and payment of quarterly fees for unfinished units retroactive to July 1st

(Update: The Developers have submitted a final accounting “true-up” to the Board.  The Board will review the accounting submitted and if accepted will move forward with the final transition of all Cypress assets from the Developers to the HOA)

New Business:

  • Review the draft of  HOA Violations and Fines Procedures

Establishing Violations and Fines Procedures will be a priority for the Board at upcoming meetings.  Stacy G. has submitted a draft for Board review and editing. 

  • Timetable for a 2022 preliminary budget for presentation to committee Chairs.

A preliminary budget with a new chart of accounts will be submitted to Committee Chairs for their review by November 1st, 2021.

  • Progress on the appointment of an owner to fill the Director vacancy created by the resignation of Phyllis Zust.

(Update:  We are pleased to announce that in a special meeting called by President Bell the Board appointed Dr. Bill Keith to fill the current vacancy on the Board.  At the May 2022 spring meeting of the HOA an election will take place to fill a permanent 3 year term on the Board.  We are pleased that Bill has accepted this appointment and of course he will be eligible to run for the permanent Director position at the May, 2022 spring owners meeting.  You will remember that Bill ran for a Director position at the April, 2021 owners meeting.  In addition to having a successful dental practice with his wife Ashley, Bill also has an  accounting degree and will immediately assume the duties of Treasurer for the Board.  Please join the Board in congratulating Bill on his appointment.)

  • Possibility of the elevators using floor 5 as home station as opposed to P2 thus giving owners on all floors more equal access.

Stacy G. will research this with the elevator company to ascertain if there are safety or operational issues that require the elevators to rest on P2. As opposed to another floor.

Next Meeting:

September 8th, 2021 1:00 P.M. -3:00 P.M.


President Bell Adjourned the meeting at 12:35 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

H. Keith Schmode

Secretary The Cypress HOA


September 2021 Board Meeting


July 2021 Board Meeting